Run of the ‘mill

With the world still somewhat on a shut down, most gyms still closed and folks still nervous about heading outside, there has been a huge increase in sales as people invest in home gyms. Aside from the dumbbells and kettlebells flying off store shelves, folks have also been investing in treadmills from brands such as Peloton, NordicTrack and Proform. As people stumble around their new home equipment and find new routines, I thought it would be a great time to rehash an old article I wrote about some tips and benefits of treadmill running.

Why I Love the Treadmill

Yup you read that right. I love treadmill running. Now I agree with most of you, nothing beats running outdoors in the crisp morning air looking at gorgeous scenery; feeling that rush of energy of running through city streets; of having the quietude of the world to yourself while everyone is asleep. But despite all those things that running on the treadmill is not, there are a handful of benefits that I’ve found from running on the treadmill. Since days are shorter and nights are colder, perhaps you can find these tips useful for yourself as you log your miles in over the next few months.

Set it and forget it! If you find yourself all over the place with your race splits, the treadmill is a great way to get used to staying on target mile after mile. Set that speed to your liking and go! As you tire and have that urge to slow down, the treadmill will be that over-zealous friend forcing you to stay on task and keep on pushing through the pain, much like you’ll have to do on race day. These steady as she goes efforts will translate well when you hit the road – you’ll be able to feel what your pace is a lot better and keep it!

 Tempo runs – If you live in a city much like San Diego with all its canyons and hills, it can be hard to complete your tempo run at an even pace while factoring in those darn hills. Treadmill to the rescue! You can set your pace, crank out your miles, slow down for your rest and repeat again and again. Your time on the ‘mill will go by fast unlike trying to log in your long, slow run or trudging through those filler miles.

Systems check – Feel like a wild buffalo stampede when you run? Find yourself twisting at your waist like your grooving at the club? Stride like a triple jumper? The ‘mill can be your friend to reign all that in. As a controlled setting, the treadmill can be used to take a critical look at your running form. Use these tricks to reel yourself in.

  • Imagine yourself running on eggshells. The more you land softly, the less noise you’ll make and the less eyes you’ll feel staring at you at from your fellow gym members. Outside, it’s hard to hear yourself sometimes with all the street traffic and bustle of the city.

  • To help with bouncing when you run, look ahead and focus your eyes on something about 10-15 ft away. The less you see that object moving up and down, the less bounce you’ll have when you run, which means you’re running more efficient. With running outside, targets are constantly moving as you zoom through life.

  • To minimize that twisting from your torso, the treadmill’s control panel makes for a great focal point for your hands to gravitate to. As you run, have the tips of your fingers lightly touch the sides of the control panel and not across your body.

  • Reel in your stride by running close to the safety bar. If your feet hit that bottom front panel where the mill’s belt emits from, you’re probably over striding. If that’s too sketchy for you, run your comfortable distance from the grip bar and practice running with your feet landing just beyond your body.

Safety first! – Knocking out your miles on the belt dispenser keeps the perils of running outside to a minimum. Crank your favorite music playlist without worrying about stranger danger or absent minded drivers! No worries about stray dogs nipping at your heels, no worries about tripping over sidewalk cracks or potholes. Plus it’s inside where it’s a lot warmer than it is in many parts of the country right now. No need to bundle up or finding new batteries for your headlamp.

Getting your runs done outdoors puts you in touch with nature, let’s you connect with other runners and makes for a great backdrop for your next proof-of-getting-your-run-in post on the ‘Gram. And that’s everything that the treadmill is not. But if used in conjunction with your outdoor runs, the treadmill can get you running more even paced, faster and more efficient. Without all of the distractions of being outside, you’ll be able to focus on perfecting your running form so your next selfie not only looks great but has some dope stats to go with it.


Lean, mean, running machine!