Inspiration & Motivation

Fitness tips, thoughts and stories to get you moving and staying on point to get you to your finish line.

John Bermudez John Bermudez

AFC Half Marathon Recap

The thing with running a race year after year is that you really have an intimate outlook of the race. You know where every valley and peak is. You know how you’ll feel at specific points of the race. You know where you should be at the beginning to avoid the crush of the starting crowd. You know when to pull the trigger to finish strong.

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John Bermudez John Bermudez

La Jolla Half Recap

When you’ve been running a race multiple times over the years, you can become complacent in how to step to the starting line because you’ve done it before; you know all the twists and turns of the course. You sort of feel over confident about it. Well that’s what happened to me over the weekend running my eighth La Jolla Half Marathon.

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John Bermudez John Bermudez

AFC Half Marathon Race Recap

Another AFC Half Marathon in the books! It was a great tune up race for me to see how training is going for my big race in October.

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John Bermudez John Bermudez

Heavy Medals

Why you want to space out your race calendar and how to keep consistently racing year in and out.

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