Spring Sprint Triathlon ‘22 Race Recap

Felt really good to be out there doing tri again! This was my first tri since August ’19. Back then I did the Chula Vista Challenge 70.3mi Half Iron. With only two months to train, I definitely wasn’t ready to tackle that distance, so the sprint distance (0.25mi swim, 10mi bike, 5K run) was perfect for me.

Swim Between currents moving buoys and human error, I feel like swim distances are always off a bit. Could be that or the fact that I’m not just a great swimmer and I need something to blame! I did feel like I did well with sighting to all of the buoys. Garmin map shows that I swam fairly straight but did do about 100m extra. However, I did swim to the outside of the pack to avoid the crowds so that could’ve added to the distance. Probably started off a bit too fast to the first buoy and I felt gassed by the time I got there. From then on, I couldn’t get my breathing down to a good cadence – I was breathing every stroke vs every 4 like I do in training. I stopped a couple times to re-center myself and calm the fuck down before I trudged on. Not my best, but not my worse either. I swam til I could touch the ground with my hand before I stood up to get out the water. I was taught years ago to do this since it’s easier and faster to swim than to high step it out the water by standing too soon. Time: 11:30

T1 Up the boat loading ramp and surprisingly I didn’t feel any of the concrete grooves nor all the shitty asphalt running to my rack like I did walking to the start. Peeled off the swim cap and goggles with my left hand and peeled off that same arm out the wetsuit with my right. Goggles and cap stay stuck in the sleeve as planned. With the full sleeve suit, it’s always hard to get the cuff of the wetsuit over the Garmin – not a lot of wiggle room. Get it done and the top of my Roka wetsuit is hanging at my waist before I get to the racks. At my rack, pull the legs down to my ankles, stomp out of it and peel the cuffs off my ankles. I haven’t gotten the nerve to cut a taper at the bottom of the legs of this expensive ass suit! Maybe once it got a few more battle scars on it! Rinse the feet off from dirt/sand with an extra water bottle, fumble to get the socks on (shoulda skipped them with such a short distance). Strap the cycling shoes on, put the helmet on, lock the chinstrap together – you gotta according to USAT rules, pull the bike off the rack and I’m on my way out! I’m good with running in cycling shoes so I click clack to bike out, hit the mount bike line and hop on the saddle. Love to do the flying hop on or learn to keep the shoes clipped on the pedals one day! But for now it’s stop, throw a leg over, clip in and scooter myself a few feet and get the other foot clipped in. Time: 2:27

Bike – Course is pancake flat except for some road onramps/off ramps. The ride also has a handful of hairpins that make you slow down too, but it’s easy to navigate. Two 5mi loops and you’re done! I didn’t feel cold like usual when you get out the water. Felt good. Took a couple of swigs of water to rinse the saltwater out my mouth and get some fluids in me. I should’ve only carried half a bottle of fluids for a spring instead of a full to shave some weight, but I didn’t. With a sprint, shave all the excess weight and gear you don’t need! Weight slows you down. At the end of the day, the most weight you can drop is from you! But race weight and nutrition is another topic for another day.

Ride went according to training. It was a touch slower than some of my training rides. Looking back, I think I was holding back a bit to save it for the run. I probably could’ve picked it up a bit more and fought more of the lactic acid burn, but overall, it was a solid ride. Trade places a few times with a Clydesdale racing and at the last u-turn to head back to T2, I finally got ahead of him and powered through to drop him.

I make the last turn back to transition and pop half a Maurten with caffeine in me before I take my feet out my shoes while leaving the shoes clipped in. I’d been practicing that on some rides and on my trainer and I’m glad I actually got it done right! I did it a bit too early to leave me time to fumble with it in case I had issues. So I pedal a bit with my feet on top of my shoes. Hit the brakes hard at the dismount line, hop off and run back to my rack.

I really need to learn to get comfortable in aero position! I’ve been bike fitted and everything is where it’s supposed to be, but it’s just a matter of riding more and getting used to aero for prolong periods of time. I’m a fairly strong dude, but having the elbows tucked in back rounded just don’t get comfortable for me! I try to do a minute or two in and out of aero and it got the job done, but I know I’m missing out on valuable speed which equals time! Time: 31:39

T2 – The second transition should be really fast since all you need to do is grab your run belt/bib, throw on the running shoes and head back out. That’s exactly what I did. Shoes are already tied so it’s slip them on, work my heel into the back of the shoes and take off to the RUN OUT flag. No shades or hat since it was overcast. Time: 1:24

Run – This is where I shine! Remember, I’m a runner at heart. Run course is pancake flat too! Two loops and I’m done! Usually when you get off the bike, triathletes need to find their land legs a bit and hobble along like a newborn deer. But I didn’t have that feeling. Felt pretty solid and kept a solid pace at first to test the legs out to make sure I don’t cramp up. Get about a quarter mile in and I figure it’s time to start upping the pace a bit. Slowly start picking off people, hit mile one and it’s sub 7! Better than I hope.

Half of the loop is paved sidewalk with the bay on your left then you hit the other side of the loop with the street on your left. But the run on that side is a mix of narrow dirt and landscape bark trail so it’s a bit wonky and gets hard to pass folks. Time my pace to pass them cleanly (Fartlek training yo!) and finish the first loop. Mile and a half left and hit legs still feel great.

Hit mile 2 marker on the sidewalk side and it’s 6:32! Hell yeah! One mile left and it’s hold on, fight the burn in the legs and start thinking about when to #kickpush to the finish. Back onto the street side and I’m still passing folks. Find my next target, and work on reeling them in. Glance at the Garmin we got just over a quarter mile left. Hit another gear and pick up the pace turn into the finish line chute, see the crowds and pick it up more. Zone out to not think about the lungs burning and just hammer to the finish! Whew! Time: 20:03

Nutrition Before: If you’ve followed my IG stories, you know I’m not a morning person! Hate the early wake up calls! But race day is different! I’m up ready to go! Tired as shit and still fuck the world, but let’s go! Race don’t start til about 7:30 and since it’s about 4:30, I know I need some food. Top off my “tank” with a Chobani yogurt since it’s decent protein that’ll digest easy and settle any GI issues because probiotics yo! Toast an English muffin with some jam and I take that with me to eat once I’m at the race site about an hour before it starts.

Nutrition During: Made a 20oz bottle of Nuun Mango Orange electrolytes with caffeine and ON pineapple BCAAs for an energy boost mid race. Flavors are all over the place, I know, but worked well in getting the saltwater taste out my mouth. Only drink about half, if that, during the bike. Stash a Maurten gel with caffeine in my bike bag. Squeezed most of it in my mouth (pause) as I headed back into transition. Got another swig from my bottle before the run. Didn’t drink anything during the run. Since I knew I would finish the run in about 20 minutes, I knew it’s within that timeframe of needing to take in electrolytes.

Nutrition Post: The all important post-race food bag provided by the race! After I get the timing chip peeled off my ankle, catch my breath and not feel like I’m dying I drink some water. Banana, Orange, madeleines and some fruit snacks are in the bag. Found wifey and we’re chopping it up – more like she’s listening to me give my race report. Tried eating the banana, but nope! A bit too soon to eat! Banana tasted good, but felt like I wanted to yack . My body takes time to want solid foods post race. So settled with just water. Later on, I ate the sweets just fine. Once I got home and showered, full on breakfast – eggs, bacon, toast, coffee!


Finish Time: 1:08:15

Place: 66th Overall, 55th Male, 9th AG


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